During this past summer, my studio time was spent producing three paintings for an invitational group show featuring still life paintings that opens October 2 at the Elliott Fouts Gallery in Sacramento, California. When the gallery invited me to partake, it was an offer I could not refuse. I would get to show across the continent with many talented artists new to me and four amazing artists: Christopher Stott, Neil Hollingsworth, Otto Lange and Paul Coventry-Brown, all of which I've communicated with in the past few years. It's as if all the stars aligned to bring us all together for this group exhibition.
As an added bonus this exhibition is featured in the October 2010 issue of American Art Collector. Two images of my paintings made it on the pages of the magazine. Held over Monet is featured on page 34 in the ''Upcoming show State by State guide'' while Red Current Jelly is included in the exhibition's promo poster on page 61. I was informed by the gallery that both of these paintings generated interest early on and sold even before the show was hung.
I wish to express my sincere thanks to Elliott Fouts and Michelle Satterlee for this great opportunity and for extending the invitation for future representation, making my artwork more accessible to the American market.