Created July 25 - September 19, 2008, #148
This image took me the longest time to figure out. There was so much stuff going on as far as lighting and color nuances were concern. The title pretty much reflects the mood for the painting. When you have champagne on hand, it is usually an occasion to celebrate a special event or moment. In this trio we find: Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin- a premium French Champagne, Aufkellereien - a sweet German white wine and Captain Morgan Deluxe Dark Rum.
Growing up, I use to play minor hockey in Richibucto, New Brunswick. Further down the road from where the arena was located was the Morgan Distillery, then owned by the Seagram Company Ltd. Seagram was the largest distiller of alcoholic beverages in the world with it's headquarters located in Montreal, Qc. Captain Morgan Rum was produced at this plant for the longest time. The plant closed after part of Seagram was sold to Diageo. Morgan Street in Richibucto is the only reminder of a plant that once provided many jobs for the local economy.
-private collection