
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Recent paintings included in Harvest / Moisson, two-person show

These recent works will be included along with 
the nine new paintings in 
Harvest / Moisson
a two-person show with the Yvon Gallant

Fog Forest Gallery
L to R: self, Janet Crawford (gallery owner) and Yvon Gallant

Storm brewing in a teacup on Downton Abbey
  12 x 16'', acrylic on gessoed hardboard
painting #241, 2016B
Blog post - HERE

Tangerines in a Hurricane Vase ( homage to Edgar Degar)
Acrylic on gessoed hardboard, #159
15 x 11'' - 2009-2012
Blog post - HERE 

A Car on The Cars
Acrylic on gessoed birch panel, 12 x 12"
painting # 229, 2015
Blog Post- HERE

Vintage Fashion
Acrylic on gessoed birch panel, 12 x 12"
Painting # 223, 2014
Blog post - HERE

Lost a Marble over a Girl
Acrylic on gessoed hardboard, 12 x 12''
2011, # 192
Blog post- HERE

Sightseeing in 3-D
Acrylic on gessoed birch panel, 12 x 12"
painting # 231, 2015
Blog post- HERE

To acquire any of these painting, please contact the gallery.

Fog Forest Gallery
14 Bridge Street
Sackville, NB, Canada
(506) 536-9000
website- http:/fogforestgallery.ca