
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Good things comes in threes

 East Coast Living Magazine - Summer 2016

In less than one month my artwork has made the front page and/ or has been featured on the cover of three publications. As the French would say, ''Jamais deux sans trois''. This latest probably pulls at my heart strings more than anything that has ever been published on my artwork even if the focus is not on myself as the artist. 

Whenever I complete a painting and send it off to a gallery, one can only hope that it will be adopted in a household where it will be appreciated and loved. This story features gallery patrons whom have been collecting my artwork since 2004. To my knowledge, they own at least nine of my paintings that includes two commission pieces. I've never met them in person or had any contacts since the commissions were done through the gallery as the liaison. However, I do feel a connection with them since they've embraced my art in the best possible way and own some of my favourite pieces.  

The Toronto based couple and their children have been spending parts of their summers on Prince Edward Island for more than 20 years and are currently the focus with a feature article in the 2016 Summer edition of East Coast Living Magazine which invites the reader to peak inside their newly renovated summer cottage. The two paintings featured below are among those that appear on the cover and on page 41. I read the article with a flutter in my heart and a lump in my throat. 

The magazine is available through their website at http://eastcoastliving.ca/ and at many newsstands throughout the Atlantic provinces.