
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Vine-ripe tomatoes

Acrylic on gessoed hardboard, 11 x 15''
#83, 2004, Private collection

I am currently working on painting #10 for my fall solo show. In the meanwhile, I am posting a painting that was completed in the late fall of 2004. The image was inspired by the tomatoes themselves. It was about the time that I first notice that you could buy tomatoes that were not detached from one another but still on the vine as a grouping.

My mother-in-law was visiting us for a week. While we were at work, she had washed the dishes and did not know where we stored the 2-liter Pyrex measuring cup, so she left it on the counter, right next to the tomatoes.....and the conceptual idea was born. I added the knife as an element of transformation and to create tension. As Mary Pratt once said, ''What is art without tension''.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Homemade Preserves

Acrylic polymer emulsion on gessoed hardboard, 14 x 18''
#85, 2005 - private collection
The imagery for this painting was inspired during an escape week-end in Nova Scotia during the fall of 2004. I had kindly ask a country store owner in Mahone Bay, if I could photograph some of their homemade preserves on the window sill where a diffuse light became the perfect stage.
I am currently working on painting number 9 for my fall solo show at Handworks Gallery.